The precognition

The precognition

The medium or clairvoyant searches what will happen in the future by carrying out an investigation like a police inspector looking how to solve a criminal case

Unlike precognition which is a felt phenomenon which allows us to predict the future

In precognition , the prediction of the future is in reality established thanks to logical deductions generally made non-consciously and which appear to us fortuitously without having been sought

This is why precognition is most often manifested by premonitory dreams which are revealed to us clearly or in a disguised way giving rise to interpretations , events which come true later in a surprising way

Gaetano Gandolfi  (1734–1802) : Joseph’s Dream

According to the Book of Genesis , God granted Joseph precognition through prophetic dreams and the ability to interpret the dreams of others

Wikipedia Public Domain : Wmpearl

Testimonies of precognitions often only describe impressions but to which are added very precise details concerning future events

The precognition invites us to reflect on our unconscious and on the reality of its capacities , knowing that we are very far from using our entire brain

Mediums or clairvoyants are perhaps people with privileged access to these resources

Moreover , there are many more people than we believe who have so-called mediumistic gifts , but above all logical deductions thanks to a very good organization of widely extended and very well-organized databases,  both for the capture of data’s and for their ease of access

Generally , these gifts are manifested from childhood but are generally stifled by education

Others , either through ignorance of those around the child or through the encouragement of their educators , cultivate these gifts until eventually reaching the possibility of being able to use them

We can add to this education the learning of the psychology of influence and we obtain a perfect medium

I would like to give you an example of a classic precognnition :

The subject dreamed that he found his mother who had died more than 20 years ago and that he threw himself on her , wrapping around her legs like a child and calling her “ Mom ”

When she died , everyone , including him , called her “ Grandma ”

It was a little before All Saints’ Day , and he had cleaned his mother’s grave a few days before

When he died , he planned to be buried in his mother’s grave

His mother , while he was hugging her , asked him where his wife was and he told her that she had left

In fact his wife was still alive and had no reason to leave him , even though they had been together for over 40 years

His wife , on the other hand , had expressed the wish to be cremated upon her death and that her ashes to be scattered in the sea , why she was Breton and the daughter of a sailor

A clairvoyant psychologist would have deduced that the Breton woman would die first and that her ashes would have gone into the sea and that sometime later she would be followed by her husband who would find his mother in their common grave

This is what happened 2 years later for his wife and another 2 years later for him…

We see with this example that going to clean his mother’s grave triggered in the subject’s unconscious a precognitory dream fuelled by the memory of the spouses’ burial intentions and probably by the spouses’ health concerns

As we see , precognition is not a supernatural phenomenon , but a logical manifestation of our unconscious

Our unconscious also very often manifests itself to us through what we call instinct

Our unconscious knows what to do , while our conscious has not completed its analysis of the situation and therefore does not know what to do

Our unconscious realizes the situation and its urgency and it sends us the steps to follow that we do not understand and that we call our instinct

So some advice , don’t think any more and follow and trust your instinct

It makes mistakes much less often than you !

Douglas Moonstone

Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post

If the mysteries of the Earth and of our origins interest you , you are in the right place

Yes !

The mythological gods of the antiquity really existed

They arrived by successive arrivals on our planet from -19 338 up to -3500 BC

EARTH IS THE AIM reveals us how these gods , the Edenists and the Atlanteans , colonized the Earth

They were recognized as gods by the local peoples thanks to their technology

The Bible , the Chinese legends , the Kojiki , the Pop Wuh , the mythology and the legendary stories tell us about this part of our ancient history , before the historical history , that is to say before -1450 BC

In fact , all regions of the Earth have their legends and mythologies

And ALL tell the same story , seen from different points of view

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 6 , make us see the Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries on a new way

These books tell us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that 5000 years ago the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality told by the populations of this period

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volume 7 , tell us how the Man who appeared on Earth towards 550 000 years ago evolved , up to leave the Earth devastated , towards -140 000 , to take refuge on another galaxy

But once their refuge planets have been devastated as well , they had no other choice as to return to the Earth toward – 19 338

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone

Earth is the aim 1 : Eden and China’s gods

Earth is the aim 2 : Atlantean gods

Earth is the aim 3 : Dissolution of the gods

Earth is the aim 4 : The Tokharians

Earth is the aim 5 : The Indo-Europeans 

Earth is the aim 6 : Exodus and survivors

Earth is the aim 7 : Mu and the other worlds

All my books are available on Amazon in E-books and in paperback books

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :



money is the human predator
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