Extra-terrestrial pressures on governments

Extra-terrestrial pressures on governments

The aliens

The question everyone is asking :

Do the rulers and the great people of our Earth have contact with extra-terrestrials and are they under their pressure ?

We can easily answer : Yes

On November 23rd , 2020 , a strange metallic monolith was discovered in the Utah desert before mysteriously disappearing a week later . Soon after , an almost identical three-sided structure was found in Romania , and this one also quickly disappeared . Now a third monolith has been materialized in California at Atascadero

Text and photo out from :

Lemon Jelly , music news

The Hopis

The US government has never bothered to compensate Native American populations for the spoliations they suffered

Recently the American government proposed to the Hopis to finance their development through the creation of casinos

So it will cost nothing to the US government and gave them a clear conscience

The Hopis followed their ethics and refused the creation of Hopi casinos

The Navajos took advantage of the windfall , because the offer made to the Hopis could not decently not be made also to their neighbours

For the US government , it still solved a part of the Indian problem at a lower cost

But they will have to find other proposals for the lack of funding in the Hopi community following the scheduled closure of the coal mines in their territories

In any case , the US government is not taking the matter lightly and is showing that they cannot give up their support to the Hopis

The aborigines

The Aborigines never got anything from the Australian government

Since the 1980’s things have started to change

In the late 1960’s , the Yolngu opposed against the opening of a mine in their territory which they had occupied for over 40 000 years

In 1971 an Australian court ruled in favour of Rio Tinto

Five years later , the legislation on the land rights of the Aborigines was adopted

For more than 40 years , Rio Tinto has exploited the resources of the Yolngu lands without paying them anything in return

In 1982 , the Australian government released a capital fund of $ 20 000 000 for the  Aborigines :

16 M in treasury bills

4 M to pay for the aboriginal business building , the Bonner house in Canberra

In June 2011 , Rio Tinto , the Australian mining giant , decided to compensate the Yolngu tribe for 700 million Australian dollars , i.e. about 490 million €

They want to be able to continue to use the Aborigines land and are now obliged to compensate them

The Chinese

In the 19th century , China was seen only as a colony of mercy

In 1999 , Great Britain agreed to return Hong Kong to them

This is the first time that Great Britain respects a treaty

Respect for treaties depends on the interest of the countries to respect it …

States being sovereign , it is very difficult to force them to apply treaties , even though they have ratified them

They can always invoke the principle of reciprocity :

They have not to apply the provisions of a treaty that the other party does not respect

And since then , China’s place in the world did continually grow

It would not occur to anyone today to dictate their conduct to the Middle Kingdom


The Hebrew state of Israel is largely funded by the contributions of outside its borders

The USA is the main contributor

The annual financial support of the United States has exceeded 1.5 billion € since 1985 , especially in military aid

But they rely also on funds from Jews around the world

Donation or tax ?

Difficult to know , as the pressure to contribute can be moral or economic

Distilling a feeling of guilt in the community if you do not contribute seems the most obvious

There are also the taxes that Germany must continue to pay for the Holocaust

Why only for Israel and not for the Roma and their holocaust of 1.5 million people ?

But also remember that Israel is a tax haven

We are greeted at Ben Gurion Airport by :

” Your money here is available all over the world “

It’s written in the main hall in English , in letters of 1 meter high and almost 50 meters long …

At least that was the case in the late 1970’s

Perhaps today it is more discreet …

Trade deals with the EU also generate important sources of income for Israel

The European Union is the State of Israel’s largest trading partner

33% of the Israeli exports go to the EU and 40% of its imports come from the EU

The EU and Israel have free trade agreements for their industrial products as well as agreements for trade in agricultural products , such as reduced or zero tariffs

Generous plutocrats ?

“Plutocrats” and “generous” are terms that cannot coexist

The rich , the plutocrats , do nothing for nothing

Not even for 1 cent

But we are talking , depending on the period , recent certainly , of millions and billions of € , of $ , of £ , and other strong currencies

Humanitarian causes are not lacking in our world

But that’s not where these funds go

Can you believe for a moment that these supposedly generous plutocrats ARE GIVING these immense amounts of money without pressure ?

To those who already own everything , who could put this pressure on them ?

The recipients of the funds tell us from where the pressure is coming

As it was not these beneficiary nations that would have been able at that period to impose these contributions financially , economically or militarily on the plutocrats

It is therefore an ORDER of the extra-terrestrials that these plutocrats can neither ignore nor infringe

That was to demonstrate …


NEW : Hardcover books

Comparison paperback and hardcover book

All my books are now available on Amazon in E-books , in paperback books , in paperback books with color photos , in hardcover books and hardcover books with color photos

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

Earth is the aim 1 : Eden and China’s Gods

Earth is the aim 2 : Atlantean Gods

Earth is the aim 3 : Dissolution of the gods

Earth is the aim 4 : The Tokharians

Earth is the aim 5 : The Indo-Europeans 

Earth is the aim 6 : Exodus and survivors

Earth is the aim 7 : Mu and the other worlds


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us with a new face

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :



money is the human predator
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