The ancient wars

The ancient wars

The nuclear power

I invite you to read again in this blog :

Radioactivité of the Gobi

Published June 18th 2021 by DOUGLAS MOONSTONE

I tell you there all the technical explanations to understand the radioactivity and its measures

In summary , the total average of radioactivity in France is in milli-sievert per year , of a hight of 2.5 , which breaks down as follows :

Natural radioactivity in France in msv per year : 1.64

Medical radioactivity in France in msv per year : 0.80

Military nuclear radioactivity in France in msv per year : 0.04 ( including tests)

Nuclear energy radioactivity in France in msv per year :

0.02 ( including leaks)

This means that the totality of the radioactivity produced by the humans reaches only the half of the natural radioactivity

And it is the same approximatively everywhere around the Earth

Except of course , in the place of military or civilian nuclear disasters , where however this excessive radioactivity is limited to the geographical area and will be resorbed in a very short period of time

Of course a century or two may seem long for residents , but does not represent a long time in the history of the radioactivity of the Earth

The damages of the nuclear wars of the legends

The wars of the Kelts in rebellion against the Atlanteans , left today , more than 4000 years later,  radioactive sequels in Corsica , in Brittany , in Alsace and in the Massif Central , as we can see it there , a « natural » radiation of 3 to 4 times higher than normal

The wars of the Hebrews against the Canaanites , in Sodom and Gomorrah , left today , more than 4000 years later , radioactive sequels in the Jordan Valley , as we can see it there , a « natural » radiation of more than 5 times higher than normal

The Ramayana wars in the Vedic India , have left today , more than 4000 years after , radioactive sequels in the Kerala as we can see it there , a « natural » radiation of more than 12 times higher than normal

4×5 original

Rama’s Court , Folio from a Ramayana

India, Himachal Pradesh, Chamba, 1775-1800

Drawings; watercolors

Collection of Los Angeles County Museum of Art 

Photo Wikipedia Public Domain : Fæ

The Mahabharata wars , the Pandavas against the Kauravas , in the Vedic India , have left today , more than 4000 years after , radioactive sequels in the North of India , as we can see it there , a « natural » radiation of nearly 10 times higher than normal

The Yi’s wars , have left today , more than 4000 years later , radioactive sequels in the Thar valley , as we can see it there  a « natural » radiation of nearly 30 times higher than normal The Thar valley became then the Thar desert

The Yi’s wars , have left today , more than 4000 years later , radioactive sequels in the Gobi Valley , as we can see it there a « natural » radiation of more than 32 times higher than normal

The Gobi valley became then the Gobi desert

The aftermath of the ancient nuclear wars

We must realize that as the totality of civil and military radioactivity produced in one year today , represents only a little more than the half of the normal natural radioactivity , it means that the excessive « natural » radioactivity of 3 to 32 times , in cetain places of the world , is not of natural origin

Especially 4000 years later !

Especially since these excessive « natural » radioactivity are all situated on legendary wars places 

One of the best descriptions of the supreme weapon is in the Ramayana :

To defeat , Rama , decided to use the weapon which one should never use …

But also in the legend of Yi , the heavenly emperor was furious against him because he had used the prohibited weapon , and because of that he had to abandon his palace on the Earth and had to return to the Heaven …

And many other quotes in the legends confirm the use of nuclear weapons

Their nuclear weapons were of a much bigger power than those we make today :

Destroy and desertify an area of more than 1 million km² , almost twice the France , and make it sterile for more than 4000 years !

Fortunately we do not know how to make these weapons , because the ancient wars have proved that the gods , no more than men , are able of wisdom

The weapons of the legendary wars

Since the first volume , I tell you the legends of the world and their wars , and each time I pointed out to you the extraordinary « magic » effectiveness of their weapons

The hammer of Odin and all the other magic weapons of the Vanes and the Ases , the monstrous wheels or Suns destroyed by the missiles of Yi , the laser sword bequeathed by the Tokharians to the Laotians , the bees of the Mayas , the laser swords of the archangels guardians of the Garden of Eden , the weaponry of Chiyou and Huangdi , the guardian robot of the island of Crete , the terrifying weapons narrated in the star wars , the laser knife of the stonecutter of Pohnpei , the armament of Uruk and Marashi , and many others , are terrifying weapons described by the

god-dominated people

And besides a whole nuclear arsenal , we know it now , they also had the weapons of bacteriological wars and

fortunately for us , we have not yet reached this level of development

If we can call that development …

The Dragons

Dragons come from afar by air to fire people

They are reputed invincible because they fly very fast

To destroy them , you have to go far beyond the mountains , and possess magic weapons

To fight them you have to be a hero , demi-god or god

That’s what legends say

However , the legend of Yi describes these dragons as crows with 3 legs that fall from the saucers during their destruction in the air thanks to its missiles

This is a description of the populations closest to the action

The description has not yet been embellished by distance and time

This description is perfectly suited to fighter jets with their front and rear axles that have 3 wheels in total

They of course are armed with nuclear and incendiary bombs

Farther and later , they will be described as dragons

Extract of EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors

Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post

TOURS 1 : Houat and the Gulf of Morbihan

Discover the Gulf of Morbihan , Houat and the Île aux moines , with photos , comments and legends

Author :

Frederic le voyageur

I started a new series : TOURS

Houat is the first escape

If you like I would tell you about the others

It is written in style : metro

A short text , 20 to 40 pages , to read during a trip on your smartphone , tablet or laptop and even on a fixed computer …

In ancient times , this was called: A novel

See you soon

Frederic le Voyageur

You can read some extracts of EARTH IS THE AIM in my blog :


You can buy my books here :



money is the human predator
This entry was posted in Radioactivité of the Gobi, The aftermath of the ancient nuclear wars, The ancient wars, The damages of the nuclear wars of the legends, The Dragons, The nuclear power, The weapons of the legendary wars. Bookmark the permalink.

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