Reveal of the mysteries of the volume 3

Reveal of the mysteries of the volume 3

If you are interested in the mysteries of the Earth and of our origins, here are the mysteries revealed in my book :


Author : Douglas Moonstone

All my books are available in paper books , paper books with color photos and digital books ( E-books ), on

Mysteries revealed in the volume 3 , EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods :

The Edenists and the Atlanteans arrived on Earth from -19 338 up to -3500

Atlantis sank towards -3000

The Sons of the Sky went back up to space towards -2284

This left the Edenist and the Atlantean gods without maintenance infrastructure

The gods will therefore degenerate and they will have to dissolve inside the Earth populations , but they still want to keep the power …

Certain populations will thus become the “employees” of these gods and thus develop and dominate their territories under the command of the gods

We will thus learn the true history of the Hopis , but also of the Aborigines , the Dogons , the Nubians , the Olmecs , the Canaanites and the Phoenicians

We will also see the expansion of the Mayans from the Eastern South America up to the Western Central America

We will discover that the Dogons participated in the destruction of Atlantis with the 4th and the 5th MTA ( Magma Tide Amplifier = the weapon of mass destruction activated by the megaliths )

All these events will also allow us to reveal the functioning of the Bermuda Triangle

We will see that the conquest of Canaan by the Jews was a nuclear war with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah at its peak

We will also discover the route of gold and copper in the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East

We will learn that the ancestors of the Romas , the Gypsies , who occupied the North of Anatolia , were pushed back inland towards -7000 by the Edenists , who set up their Earth base there , the Garden of Eden

Then the flood drove the Romas to an exodus towards -5000

Guided then by their patriarch Manu , they will arrive in India and live there in harmony with the Indians

Then they were driven out massively from +400 AD until the 14th century

Finally the question everyone is asking :

Do the rulers and the very high VIP of this world have contact with extraterrestrials ?

You will then see that we can only answer :

Yes …

Next week I will reveal the mysteries revealed in the volume 4 , EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians

You can also over flow my books in my blog:

And read some extracts in my blog:


money is the human predator
This entry was posted in Aborigines, Atlantis, Canaan, Canaanites, Dissolution of the gods, Do the rulers and the very high VIP of this world have contact with extraterrestrials, Dogons, EARTH IS THE AIM 3, Gypsies, Hopis, Manu, MTA - Magma Tide Amplifier, Nubians, Olmecs, Phoenicians, Romas, the Bermuda Triangle. Bookmark the permalink.

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