Angkor Vat legend

Angkor Vat legend

Angkor Wat in 1870 ( idealized view )

Photo Wikipedia CC : G. Garitan

The Khmer literature

After the independence and up to the Red Khmer period , French is the common language although Khmer is the official language

During the Red Khmer period , knowing a foreign language was punishable by death penalty

On 57 writers of the 20th century cited by Khing Hoc Dy , in his book :

Contribution to the history of the Khmer literature , 28 have disappeared under the Red Khmer period …

So there was nothing left of the Khmer literature …

Dr. Khing Hoc Dy

Dr. Khing Hoc Dy , researcher at the CNRS , based on texts kept in France , undertook to refound the Cambodian literature , especially from the 16th up to the 21st century

He also found the legendary texts and passed them on to us in his book :

Tales and legends of the Khmer country

Thanks to his research , here is , out from his book , and with his kind permission , the legend of the temple of Angkor Wat

Legend of the Angkor Wat temple

Formerly , in 544 of the Buddhist era ( year 1 of the Christian era ) , year of the Monkey , Neak Vong and Neang Teav , a common-born couple with divine merits , aged of thirty-one were waved and ascended to the throne

The monarch took the reign name of Preah-Bat-Samdash Tévavong Aschar , i.e.  ” Wonderful Sovereign of the Divine Lineage “

He settled in the royal palace of Mohanokor , the ” Great City “

The royal couple reigned peacefully without an enemy daring to disturb him

Mandarins , Brahmins and the people lived calmly thanks to the marvelous merits and power of the rulers

The King Tevavong Aschar had no children

He ordered the queen to observe the Buddhist precepts in order to obtain a son

She accepted and prepared the ritual of asking for a son

At the end of seven days , the queen dreamed that Indra , the supreme king of the gods , was descending from heaven coming to touch her belly and offering her a garland of flowers

Then he returned to his heavenly residence

When she awoke , she told her august husband of this dream

The great monarch summoned a diviner to interpret it

Having reflected , he say s:

The queen is going to have a son filled with a power that will defeat all enemies from all directions

Shortly after , the queen was pregnant

When the pregnancy was complete , she gave birth to a son of a great beauty

The king , the excellent father , gave him the name of Ketomealea , that is to say , ” Light-garland-of-flowers ” corresponding to the dream of the queen

When Ketomealea grew up and reached the age of six , Indra orderedto  the god Méatolei to take the divine chariot Pichayon to fetch him and lead him to the ” Thirty-Three ” Sky

Ketomealea , indeed , in the previous existence , had been the son of Indra

He had sent him to be reborn as a human being to protect the Buddhist religion and to take care of the Kingdom in glory , prosperity and peace

At nightfall , the god Méatolei ascended the divine chariot Pichayon , descended from heaven , entered the palace and took Ketomealea with care in his arms 

Then he put him in the divine chariot Pichayon which flew away

He took him to Indra in the ” Thirty-Three ” Sky

In the morning , the King Tevavong Aschar and the queen woke up and did not see their son

They were very distressed , they summoned a diviner to do magic calculations

These predicts :

As for the august child who has disappeared , it suffices that the people , the mandarins , the Brahmans of the whole kingdom observe the Buddhist precepts for seven days  Then we will find the august child in the palace

The sovereign therefore ordered all the people of the kingdom , to find his august son , to observe the Buddhist precepts

The whole people did according to the order of the king

As for Indra , the supreme sovereign , he taught Ketomealea the ten royal duties

He bathed him seven times a day for seven days in a scented basin of his garden

Then he invited seven deified Brahmins to come and recite magic formulas and sprinkle wonderful water on Ketomealea so that he could live more than a hundred years

All these rituals finished , Indra ordered the coachman to harness the august divine chariot , which had Ketomealea mounted there and flew over his palaces so that he would appreciate all their beauty

When Ketomealea had looked in detail at the Indra palaces , the coachman took him to visit the celestial stables as well

Then Indra asked him :

Are you happy with what you have just seen ?

I’m amazed , he replied

Indra added :

Good ! I will entrust you with the kingdom of Cambodia

For this , if you like one of my palaces and if you want to build one in Cambodia of the same beauty , you just have to make the wish

I am going to send you an architect so that he can build it immediately in your kingdom

Indra’s mother had taken him to heaven with a god , the grand master of the plastic arts and architecture

This young man had endeavored to learn to draw , to carve , to play music with his divine master

Having assimilated all the subjects taught to him , he knew how to build a boat that could move on land , sculpt on silver and gold , melt all metals and mix water with clay to turn them into stone …

Angkor Wat

Photo : Terry Luong

The young prince , very amazed and very impressed by Indra , think s:

I must not build a palace in my kingdom more beautiful or as beautiful as the palaces of Indra

This may cause his discontent

Ketomealea having thus thought , replied :

I would like to build a palace which has a beauty comparable to that of your stables

The sovereign of the gods said with a smile :

Does the beauty of my stables please you ?

 Indra then summoned Pisnouka 

He was the son of the heavenly dancer named Tip Soda Chan ” Divine Girl of the Moon ” and the old Lim Seng

When Pisnouka arrived , Indra said :

You are of human birth , you can not live forever in the paradise

I am going to send you to Cambodia and you will build there , for my son Ketomealea , a palace as beautiful as my stables

When you have finished building it , I will come down to preside over the ceremony of my son’s coronation so that he will ascend to the throne

At the end of the seven days , thanks to the power of the merits of the inhabitants of the whole kingdom who had followed the Buddhist precepts , Indra ordered Méatolei to harness his divine chariot and take Ketomealea back to Cambodia

The King Tepvavong-Aschar and the Queen were very happy to see their son again

Pisnouka began then to build the palace of Angkor Wat

The construction finished , he painted each of the bas-reliefs of the different colors which suited them so that the beauty of this palace was comparable to that of the stables of Indra

Ketomealea , very satisfied with this palace , praised Pisnouka and asked him to build others , also decorated with beautiful bas-reliefs

 Indra , the supreme ruler , accompanied in procession by many deities , descended down to the lower world to give the wave to his august son and confer on him the name of coronation :

Aritha-Polapé A-Hano , i.e. ” Powerful Destroyer of

Enemies “

Finally he gave to our Khmer country the name of Kampuchea ( Cambodia ) which still remains to it today


It is difficult to get an idea of the real life told by the Khmer legends at the time of the legend , because if they speak well of gods who are in heaven , their interactions and visits to the Earth , but they are all been adapted by the Buddhists up to their religion , as Christians did it

But in this legend , we find everything that makes up the history of the Atlanteans and the Tokharians

The heavenly god , who sows a human

It is a divine chariot that comes to get him from heaven to take him there and bring him back

The sky of the thirty- three , that is to say that the council of the gods is composed of 33 members

Everybody gods of course , even if there is a boss , Indra

Of course , we find a way that increases the possibility of lifetime :

Instead of 100 years , he can live up to 300 years , thanks to the magic water

And this boat sailing on land is a very interesting vehicle :

Amphibious tank or truck

And all this technology that exactly matches the technology of the Neolithic Tokharians

And of course we are in the lower world , in technology but also in physical situation , since it needs a special vehicle to come

On the other hand , Buddhism is well in this legend , an anachronism

The life of Buddha is considered to have taken place from

-624 to -544

The Ramayana , from which this legend is inspired , dates from more than 5000 years ago

It is therefore clear that the Buddhists , receivers of the culture and legends , have rewritten the legend , including Buddhist precepts

Out from : EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians

Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


NEW : Hardcover books

Comparison paperback and hardcover book

All my books are now available on Amazon in E-books , in paperback books , in paperback books with color photos , in hardcover books and hardcover books with color photos

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

Earth is the aim 1 : Eden and China’s Gods

Earth is the aim 2 : Atlantean Gods

Earth is the aim 3 : Dissolution of the gods

Earth is the aim 4 : The Tokharians

Earth is the aim 5 : The Indo-Europeans 

Earth is the aim 6 : Exodus and survivors

Earth is the aim 7 : Mu and the other worlds


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us with a new face

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :



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