Mysteries revealed in the volume 6 , EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors

Mysteries revealed in the volume 6

If you are interested in the mysteries of the Earth and of our origins, here are the mysteries revealed in my book :


Author : Douglas Moonstone

All my books are available in paper books , paper books with color photos and digital books ( E-books ), on

Mysteries revealed in the volume 6 , EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors

The Gobi Valley was fertile and populated accordingly but the Yi’s nuclear wars from -2650 up to -2350 turned it into the radioactive Gobi desert

But not only , because all the Edenist populations who lived there were driven out and had to start a long and painful exodus

The Yukaguirs, Nenetses, Khanthys, Mansis and Komis have then settled in Northern Russia, from Eastern Siberia up to Western Finland

The Finns settled in Finland and Northern Scandinavia

The Baltics settled in the present-day Baltic countries and in the North of Poland and Germany, stopped in their march towards the West by the Kelts, Atlantean people

The Magyars, after taking (abducted) the Amazons as wives, had to leave their refuge on the island of Olkhon on the Baikal Lake, as attested in the Bible

They settled in the South of the Baltics, blocked at the West by the Kelts, Atlantean people, from the East of Germany up to Austria, at the West and from Poland up to Romania and Bulgaria, at the East

But these wars also created the exodus of the Atlanteans settled at the East of the Gobi, the Scythians

The Scythians, the Indo-Aryans, had to go East and will be separated of the Thracians who continued until touching the Kelts and who took back from the Magyars the ¾ of their invasions, leaving them only  a part of Austria, Hungary and Eastern Romania

Once there, the Thracians only had to leave the middle of Europe towards the Middle East, which made these Thracians, from their change of direction, the Indo-Europeans

This is where the official theory places their origin

The official theory “forgets” for political reasons, all the previous history …

These Thracians, up from their arrival in the Middle East, become the Hittites

The history of the Hittites is a succession of alliances, betrayals and especially wars in this bubbling Anatolia

They have therefore to go back to West by sea, becoming the Peoples of the Seas

The Peoples of the Seas will conquer thanks to their many ethnic groups, the entire North of the Mediterranean, as the South being the land of the Phoenicians, and also conquer the entire Atlantic coast of Spain and France, but also the whole of the United Kingdom up to Scotland and Ireland

We will therefore learn the history of the Dorians, Illyrians, Venetes, Etruscanes, Umbrians, Sardinians, Italics, Ligurians, Iberians, Basques as well as their colonies in the Azores, Cape Verde, Madeira , the Selvagen and the Canaries, where the Ganches await us

Their history will allow us to locate and learn the history of Tartessos, the Iberian capital, a truly centralized state with specialized factory cities

But we will also be able to elucidate the true story of Heracles’ 10th labor

Finally we will talk about the populations who survived at the last ice age and who did not have the “chance” to live with the gods who came from space, in the Arctic regions, America, Africa and Indonesia up to Philippines and New Guinea

Next week I will reveal you the mysteries revealed in the volume 7 , EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds

You can also over flow my books in my blog:

And read some extracts in my blog:


money is the human predator
This entry was posted in Azores, Basques, Cape Verde, Dorians, EARTH IS THE AIM 6, Etruscanes, Exodus and survivors, Ganches, Gobi desert, Iberians, Illyrians, Italics, Khanthys, Komis, Ligurians, Madeira, Mansis, Nenetses, Sardinians, Tartessos, the Amazons, The Baltics, the Canaries, The Finns, the Gobi Valley, the Hittites, the Indo-Aryans, The Indo-Europeans, the Kelts,, The Magyars, The Peoples of the Seas, the Phoenicians, the populations who survived at the last ice age, The radioactivity of the Gobi, The Scythians, the Selvagen, the Thracians, the true story of Heracles' 10th labor, Umbrians, Venetes, Yukaguirs. Bookmark the permalink.

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