Climbing weekend in Le Saussois, 1 …

Climbing weekend in Le Saussois, 1 …


The whole family gathered for a climbing weekend in Le Saussois



Here is the Yonne seen from above, 60 meters down …



On the opposite is the village of Merry sur Yonne …



The eagle’s nest …


The rock seems to represent an eagle watching over its brooding companion …


We are in Le Saussois



Le Saussois, a magnificent climbing site …

The Saussois massif is an internationally well knowned climbing site

Le Saussois was discovered by Maurice Martin before the 1939-1945 war

There are even traces of embedding of wooden beams dating from the Middle Ages.

Le Saussois is at 205 km at the South of Paris, at 27 km at the South of Auxerre

The rock is out of Jurassic limestone

Le Saussois has around 200 climbing routes , from 20 up to 60m high, from 4b to 8c +, most of which are 6b


The climbing ratings used in France range from 1 to 9, and are staggered within each digit of the letters a, b and c, and again weighted by – or +

For example after 3b + we find 3c-

To give you an idea, a steep goat path is located in 1…

In fact, we can really speak about climbing only from the 5th …


The rating of a route indicates the level of the most difficult movement of that route

We can therefore find 30-meter routes rated 5c because a single movement requires the success of this level while the rest of the route could be rated only 4c

The level of a person is the maximum level of the routes that he succeeds in sight and first

This level must be mastered on all types of rocks


On sight means: to climb directly the route , without preliminary tests …

The first means the one who equips the route …


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See you soon again with a new post



And if the mysteries of the Earth and of our origins interest you , then go to my other blogs

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This book tells us the unknown history of our origins

It is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …


Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story


All my books are available in paper books , paper books with  colour photos and E-books , on


Author : Douglas Moonstone


Earth is the aim 1 : Eden and China’s Gods

Earth is the aim 2 : Atlantean Gods

Earth is the aim 3 : Dissolution of the gods

Earth is the aim 4 : The Tokharians

Earth is the aim 5 : The Indo-Europeans

Earth is the aim 6 : Exodus and survivors

Earth is the aim 7 : Mu and the other worlds



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money is the human predator
This entry was posted in Climbing, Le Saussois, Le Saussois was discovered by Maurice Martin, Non classé, the village of Merry sur Yonne, the Yonne. Bookmark the permalink.

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