The precognition

The precognition

The medium or clairvoyant searches what will happen in the future by carrying out an investigation like a police inspector looking how to solve a criminal case

Unlike precognition which is a felt phenomenon which allows us to predict the future

In precognition , the prediction of the future is in reality established thanks to logical deductions generally made non-consciously and which appear to us fortuitously without having been sought

This is why precognition is most often manifested by premonitory dreams which are revealed to us clearly or in a disguised way giving rise to interpretations , events which come true later in a surprising way

Gaetano Gandolfi  (1734–1802) : Joseph’s Dream

According to the Book of Genesis , God granted Joseph precognition through prophetic dreams and the ability to interpret the dreams of others

Wikipedia Public Domain : Wmpearl

Testimonies of precognitions often only describe impressions but to which are added very precise details concerning future events

The precognition invites us to reflect on our unconscious and on the reality of its capacities , knowing that we are very far from using our entire brain

Mediums or clairvoyants are perhaps people with privileged access to these resources

Moreover , there are many more people than we believe who have so-called mediumistic gifts , but above all logical deductions thanks to a very good organization of widely extended and very well-organized databases,  both for the capture of data’s and for their ease of access

Generally , these gifts are manifested from childhood but are generally stifled by education

Others , either through ignorance of those around the child or through the encouragement of their educators , cultivate these gifts until eventually reaching the possibility of being able to use them

We can add to this education the learning of the psychology of influence and we obtain a perfect medium

I would like to give you an example of a classic precognnition :

The subject dreamed that he found his mother who had died more than 20 years ago and that he threw himself on her , wrapping around her legs like a child and calling her “ Mom ”

When she died , everyone , including him , called her “ Grandma ”

It was a little before All Saints’ Day , and he had cleaned his mother’s grave a few days before

When he died , he planned to be buried in his mother’s grave

His mother , while he was hugging her , asked him where his wife was and he told her that she had left

In fact his wife was still alive and had no reason to leave him , even though they had been together for over 40 years

His wife , on the other hand , had expressed the wish to be cremated upon her death and that her ashes to be scattered in the sea , why she was Breton and the daughter of a sailor

A clairvoyant psychologist would have deduced that the Breton woman would die first and that her ashes would have gone into the sea and that sometime later she would be followed by her husband who would find his mother in their common grave

This is what happened 2 years later for his wife and another 2 years later for him…

We see with this example that going to clean his mother’s grave triggered in the subject’s unconscious a precognitory dream fuelled by the memory of the spouses’ burial intentions and probably by the spouses’ health concerns

As we see , precognition is not a supernatural phenomenon , but a logical manifestation of our unconscious

Our unconscious also very often manifests itself to us through what we call instinct

Our unconscious knows what to do , while our conscious has not completed its analysis of the situation and therefore does not know what to do

Our unconscious realizes the situation and its urgency and it sends us the steps to follow that we do not understand and that we call our instinct

So some advice , don’t think any more and follow and trust your instinct

It makes mistakes much less often than you !

Douglas Moonstone

Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post

If the mysteries of the Earth and of our origins interest you , you are in the right place

Yes !

The mythological gods of the antiquity really existed

They arrived by successive arrivals on our planet from -19 338 up to -3500 BC

EARTH IS THE AIM reveals us how these gods , the Edenists and the Atlanteans , colonized the Earth

They were recognized as gods by the local peoples thanks to their technology

The Bible , the Chinese legends , the Kojiki , the Pop Wuh , the mythology and the legendary stories tell us about this part of our ancient history , before the historical history , that is to say before -1450 BC

In fact , all regions of the Earth have their legends and mythologies

And ALL tell the same story , seen from different points of view

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 6 , make us see the Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries on a new way

These books tell us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that 5000 years ago the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality told by the populations of this period

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volume 7 , tell us how the Man who appeared on Earth towards 550 000 years ago evolved , up to leave the Earth devastated , towards -140 000 , to take refuge on another galaxy

But once their refuge planets have been devastated as well , they had no other choice as to return to the Earth toward – 19 338

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone

Earth is the aim 1 : Eden and China’s gods

Earth is the aim 2 : Atlantean gods

Earth is the aim 3 : Dissolution of the gods

Earth is the aim 4 : The Tokharians

Earth is the aim 5 : The Indo-Europeans 

Earth is the aim 6 : Exodus and survivors

Earth is the aim 7 : Mu and the other worlds

All my books are available on Amazon in E-books and in paperback books

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in instinct, precognition dreams, The precognition, unconscious | Leave a comment

The 2046 Solar micronova

The 2046 Solar micronova

Doug Vogt

It all starts with Doug Vogt

Doug Vogt photojournalist and cameraman created the Diehold Foundation

The foundation’s credo is based on a 12,068-year Sun cycle

At the end of each cycle the Sun would experience a micronova

This micronova would emit a cloud of dust and the Earth would undergo a pole reversal , which will cause enormous cataclysms

He predicts this micronova for October 2046

He would have discovered this cycle hidden in the Hebrew characters of the Torah

According to him , the Torah could save us from the inversion of the poles and the resulting ice age

Here are some titles of his books :

God’s Judgment Day : The Real Cause of Global Warming ( 2007 )

The Theory of Multidimensional Reality ( 2015 )

The Exodus and Finding the True Mount Sinai : Decoding the Hebrew Scriptures ( 2018 )

The Diehold Foundation

Here are excerpts from his 2018 foundation welcome speech :

” Hello. My name is Douglas Vogt and I am President of the Diehold Foundation, a non-profit science foundation”

“Our goal is to explain and discover the causes of the ice age and geomagnetic reversals”

“By carbon-14 dating and other dating methods, this happens every twelve thousand and sixty-eight years”

“Novaes of stars and planets cause an increase in heat in the center of stars and planets”

“We are going to have more earthquakes and more volcanoes exploding”

“The Magnetic North Pole will soon be the South Pole”

“The Sun is expanding and producing more energy”

“It’s a collection of disasters almost all at once”

“ If you are in England or France immediately, the Ocean would be upon you very quickly. I don’t know if it’ll be three or four hundred miles an hour, but you’re going to have the Atlantic Ocean coming towards you, in eight minutes, and then you’ll see the Solar nova. If you’re outside and anywhere along this longitude, I suspect you’ll be dead in seconds. Because the heat of this nova would could be three or four, even five thousand degrees Fahrenheit. In just one time . And this causes a huge amount of sea water to evaporate and at the same time it creates a shock wave caused by the water immediately turning into vapour”

“The cosmic rays will pin you down and kill you. Atlantic seawater will rush over Africa and the European continent. Much of it will evaporate when the sun heats it up.”

“So all plant life on Earth is cooked, burnt”

“Since it runs for about a hundred days, it will be a disaster”

“A total disaster: extremely few people survived it twelve thousand years ago, very, very few”

“So all that water that has evaporated comes back to the ground as warm rain first, then snow. And this snow is piling up. And it produces a colossal ice age

“We will be back in the Stone Age”

“We don’t want to give up cell phones, computers. We don’t want to give up on these things. And I don’t want those things to be abandoned either. But I wish I could make it happen, so many hundreds of thousands or millions of people can survive this thing”

“Yeah, I know it’s kinda sad, but there’s nothing we can do about it but work to save our ass. You have to be constructive”

How novas work

White dwarfs are stars with a mass of the order of that of the Sun and a size close to that of the Earth

Their high density generates an enormous gravitational force

Novas occurs in a binary star system where the white dwarf siphons off hydrogen from the other usually Sun-like star

When the white dwarf has sucked up enough hydrogen , it triggers a thermonuclear reaction that fuses the hydrogen into helium

The nova lasts from a few days to several weeks , can be recurrent and causes a peak in brightness which made it look like the appearance of a new star in the past

Artist’s impression of a binary system composed of a white dwarf (right) capturing hydrogen from a companion, a structure that can give rise to a nova.

Author NASA/CXC/M.Weiss

Photo Wikipedia Public Domain: Joonasl

The Novas

A nova releases as much energy in a few days as the Sun in more than 10,000 years

A micronova releases as much energy in a few days as the Sun in a week

This micronova would cook the Earth and could cause a pole reversal

A kilonova is when two neutron stars collide , releasing much more energy than a nova

The supernova releases even greater amounts of energy

2046 : the Solar micronova

For a micronova to affect the Sun , therefore , a white dwarf must approach the Sun at about 1000 AU ( Astronomical Units )

The closest white dwarf currently is Sirius , at a distance of 8.6 light years or 543,861.8 AU

So there is no chance that Sirius will get that close to the Sun in 2046 , the date of Doug Vogt’s prediction of the Solar micronova

Solar flares and the coronal mass ejections

But the sun can cause the Earth other inconveniences than a micronova : solar flares

But also larger explosions called coronal mass ejections ( CME )

Of course they can be catastrophic for the Earth but not to the point of causing a mass extinction as a micronova could do

The Sun’s Companion

Doug Vogt appeals to the companion of the Sun

It is indeed accepted that the Sun had a binary companion of similar mass initially distant about 1000 AU from our young star

This lost twin would have been found 184 light years away!

It’s a yellow dwarf like the Sun

At the end of its life , a yellow dwarf becomes a red giant then a white dwarf

This ex-companion is therefore not close to becoming a white dwarf nor to returning so close up to the Sun for a very very very long time

Global warming

Ongoing global warming is a normal fourth world Hopi phenomenon and its temperature peak is predicted by tidal effect on December 21st , 2148

After this date the temperature will begin to drop

But even if the effects of this rise in temperature , accompanied by many small glaciations , will cause us a lot of problems , there will be nothing that would threaten the extinction of humanity

The end of the world

The end of the 4th world is December 21st , 2148

Be careful , it’s not the end of the world !

Because on December 22nd , 2148 , the 5th world will begin , exactly as the end of a year ends on December 31st and a new year succeeds it on January 1st

It’s just an astronomical date , and on that day only what should normally happen will happen

It’s only the end of a cycle , because on December 21st , 2148 , it’s the end of a Milankovic cycle

You can read everything about the Hopis in the volume 3 of EARTH IS THE AIM , Dissolution of the gods

For the end of the 4th world and the Milankovic cycle , you will find all the explanations in the volume 7 of EARTH IS THE AIM , Mu and the other worlds

Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in 2046 : the Solar micronova, A micronova releases as much energy in a few days as the Sun in a week, Doug Vogt, Global warming, How novas work, The 2046 Solar micronova, The Diehold Foundation, The end of the world, The Novas, The Sun's Companion | Leave a comment



Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock , Scottish writer and journalist , presents his theory on ancient civilizations

His theories will feed the television series Ancient Apocalypse released at the end of 2022 on Netflix

In it he argues that an advanced Ice Age civilization destroyed by a cataclysm introduced agriculture , monumental architecture and astronomy as evidenced by what remains of them today , such as the Sphynx of Egypt for example

He says archaeologists ignore or cover up this evidence


ANCIENT APOCALYPSE , is a Netflix documentary series featuring Graham Hancock’s search for evidence of the existence of an advanced civilizations during the last ice age

Starting from the hypothesis that there would have been an advanced civilization toward 12 800 years ago , Graham Hancock will investigate eminently known archaeological sites

He investigates in Indonesia , Mexico , Malta , the Bahamas ( looking for Atlantis ) , Turkey , Poverty Point in Louisiana , Cappadocia ( Turkey ) and Washington

These civilizations having disappeared , ANCIENT APOCALYPSE explains how they were destroyed by the forces of the nature

He bases his theories on ancient myths , on the observation of megalithic monuments and archeoastronomy

He deduces the connection of all ancient civilizations with the mother culture of a primordial civilization


The archaeologist Flint Dibble said the show contains no evidence to support Hancock’s theory , while there is a plethora of evidence that contradicts the dates given by Hancock

The archaeologist Julien Riel-Salvatore says that from a scientific point of view , we can demonstrate that the theses of ANCIENT APOCALYPSE are false

Sam Kriss , a journalist with the Daily Telegraph , says Hancock’s theories do not convince him and he recalls that they are considered implausible by academics

The journalist Stuart of The Guardian , believes that ANCIENT APOCALYPSE is dangerous because it speaks to the conspiracy theorist which is in all of us and so we certainly shouldn’t treat its jumble of mysteries and coincidences as facts

It is interesting to note the hateful relentlessness of these critics

It is thus clear that they defend a dogma in the manner of a religion

Obviously they defend the dogma which ensures their material situation and their career

We also see by the harshness of their reactions the fear they have of seeing this dogma waver

It is because they know well in the depths of their conscience or their unconscious that the basis of this dogma is fragile

The scientists

It is obvious that scientists like archaeologists cannot share his point of view

It is indeed necessary to understand how they work and how they are limited :

They can’t say anything they can’t prove

They are only able to search on the basis of a previously poorly funded project and as soon as something is found , they must make a publication which will eventually allow them to continue the excavations , but on the same level so as not to burden public funds

However , we know that almost all sites are reuses of older sites , themselves very often reuses of older sites , and so on …

But even for an important site , they will never have the necessary budget , the politicians first needing public funds to ensure their re-election and this is not what they can hope with the proofs of the existence of reuse by older sites

Moreover , always taking into account the need for evidence and the poverty of funding , it is not possible for them to have theories on a global point of view enlarged to a civilization , they must remain at the level of a site :

It’s like explaining all about Roman civilization with the single analysis of the Cora camp in Yonne ( France , Burgundy ) 

Douglas Moonstone

For Graham Hancock and Douglas Moonstone, they do not have the same obligations , which allows them to build theories and gather coherences

Even if the coherence is not a proof , the set of coherences constitutes a bundle of presumptions , which is even recognized by the justice

They are also not limited by the dogmas of the scientific community , just let recall what was inflicted to Darwin and his theories

This is how Graham Hancock lends himself so easily to criticism from mainstream scientists , because like them , he limits himself to one subject at a time without providing a coherent overall theory to link them

It is then easy for the scientists to provide counter-evidence on a subject limited to a single period and at a single site

For Douglas Moonstone , he started from a correlation of the myths and the religions from all over the world , to link them together and thus create a coherent global theory which with the analysis of the scientific and archaeological discoveries , proved to correspond to the periods concerned

In summary , he assembled with his book EARTH IS THE AIM , this puzzle of our ancient history in 4D , the 4th dimension being the time

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 6 , make us see Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that 5000 years ago the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples and reminds us that Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality told by the populations of that period

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volume 7, tell us how the human who appeared on Earth toward 550 000 years ago evolved , to leave the devastated Earth toward -140 000 , to take refuge on another galaxy

But once their refuge planets were devastated in their turn , they had no choice but to return to Earth toward – 19 338

This book brings explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The currently existing official theories that attempt to explain these mysteries are quite every time contradicted by each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far each new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories mentioned in EARTH IS THE AIM

Some theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time , they are brought together to form a coherent story

This book is not a novel , and not a science fiction novel

It is a thesis proposal on our ancient history


Yes !

The mythological gods of the antiquity really existed

They arrived by successive arrivals on our planet from -19 338 up to -3500 BC

EARTH IS THE AIM reveals us how these gods , the Edenists and the Atlanteans , colonized the Earth

They were recognized as gods by the local peoples thanks to their technology

The Bible , the Chinese legends , the Kojiki , the Pop Wuh , the mythology and the legendary stories tell us about this part of our ancient history , before the historical history , that is to say before -1450 BC

In fact , all regions of the Earth have their legends and mythologies

And ALL tell the same story , seen from different points of view

Synopsis :

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods

It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …

The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details

Just read them and forget what we have been taught :

Progress is linear , before it was not so developed

So the men in the antiquity were savages

Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology

But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

Mysteries revealed in the volume 1

The gods of the antiquity period did really exist

They came from Space and terraformed the Earth just emerging from the Würm III Ice Age

Then they colonized the Earth

The Bible and the Chinese legends describe these invasions up to the smallest technical detail

In this volume 1 , it is explained why flying saucers are not fantasy and how they work

You will also discover that ancient maps are representing the Earth several thousand years ago

You will learn that the first woman is not Eve , but Lilith

Indeed , Eve is a clone of Adam …

The flood did take place in -4900 , it is now scientifically proven

It swallowed down the Garden of Eden , in Anatolia , Northern Turkey , on the shore of the Black Sea

The Garden of Eden was the land base for the Edenists , who had then to move to their new base built in the Kunlun Mountains in China

They safeguarded their Earth staff with the Noah’s ark , a top of technology

Like the Bible , the Chinese legends also describe the terraforming of the Earth

These legends also tell us about their journey to Earth and the wars against the Atlanteans

The Atlanteans also participated in the terraforming of the Earth but this had negative consequences for the Edenists such as the tilting of the Earth which caused massive flooding throughout Asia due to the reversal of the courses of the rivers which instead to go East have now to go South

But it also placed the North Pole at the South Pole

The legends of Olympus tell us about the current life at the court of the gods on the Mount Kunlun

As you can understood it , for Jupiter , Zeus , the Celestial Emperor and the Son of the Heaven , we are actually talking from the same person

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods

In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth

In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans

This will not happen without clashes …

The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans

As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

But megaliths could also be massive destruction weapons

Mysteries revealed in the volume 2

In the volume 1 we talked about the Edenists and their invasions of the Earth

In the volume 2 we will discover the arrival of the Atlanteans and learn that the space wars against the Edenists during their travel up to the Earth , cost them the second place for their arrival on Earth

We will learn that the menhirs and megaliths that we find everywhere on the Earth , are Atlantean’ ones

As the Tibetan monks say so well , the menhirs are needles that connect the forces of the Earth up to the forces of the Heaven

They are climate regulators , but megaliths can also be weapons of mass destruction

We will learn the history of Easter Island and the role that this island played in the Earth’s tilt

We will discover that the Pop Wuh of the Mayans tells us about the making of these menhirs but also that the Mayan gods asked the populations for food , virgins and gold

They imposed their domination on them with their firearms , pistols , rifles and machine guns , described in the Pop Wuh 4000 years ago

We will discover that the land base , the spaceport , of the Atlanteans was located in Sanchi , in the middle of India , located curiously at the antipode of the Easter Island :

If you stick a needle in Sanchi that goes through the center of the Earth , the needle comes out in the Easter Island …

We will see the arrival of the Sumerians directly at Sumer without stopover in Sanchi to prove their independence to the other Atlanteans

Of course you will read or re-read the Mahabharata and the Ramayana , the tumultuous history of the Atlanteans of India

We will continue with the invasions of the Earth by the Atlanteans , and in particular the kingdom of Joséon in Korea and the kingdom of the Jômons in Japan

But also the kingdoms of the Vanes and the Ases in Scandinavia , their wars and finally their peace which will cause the engulfment of Atlantis organized by the Kelts , the ancestors of the Celts

We will finally see how too many taxes united the Atlantean peoples for their wars against Atlantis , led by the Egyptians , who with the economy of the taxes due to Atlantis were thus able to finance the construction of the pyramids

We will then understand the role played by the megaliths , arranged in a weapon of mass destruction that will let sink the continent of Atlantis

Finally we will learn the history of the 1st and the 2nd Star Wars

This 2nd Star Wars that we know from the Star Wars saga , was widely told by the Egyptian hieroglyphics more than 4000 years ago

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods

In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth

In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth

In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunk , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures will dissolve themselves into the peoples

But they still want to keep the power …

Mysteries revealed in the volume 3

The Edenists and the Atlanteans arrived on Earth from -19 338 up to -3500

Atlantis sank toward -3000

The Sons of the Sky went back up to space toward -2284

This left the Edenist and the Atlantean gods without maintenance infrastructure

The gods will therefore degenerate and they will have to dissolve inside the Earth populations , but they still want to keep the power ..

Certain populations will thus become the “employees” of these gods and thus develop and dominate their territories under the command of the gods

We will thus learn the true history of the Hopis , but also of the Aborigines , the Dogons , the Nubians , the Olmecs , the Canaanites and the Phoenicians

We will also see the expansion of the Mayans from the Eastern South America up to the Western Central America

We will discover that the Dogons participated at the destruction of Atlantis with the 4th and the 5th MTA ( Magma Tide Amplifier = the weapon of mass destruction activated by the megaliths )

All these events will also allow us to reveal the functioning of the Bermuda Triangle

We will see that the conquest of Canaan by the Jews was a nuclear war with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah at its peak

We will also discover the route of gold and the route of copper in the Mediterranean Basin and the Middle East

We will learn that the ancestors of the Romas , the gypsies , who occupied the North of Anatolia , were pushed back inland toward -7000 by the Edenists , who set up their Earth base there , the Garden of Eden

Then the flood drove the Romas to an exodus toward -5000

Guided then by their patriarch Manu , they will arrive in India and live there in harmony with the Indians

Then they were driven out massively from +400 AD until the 14th century

Finally the question everyone is asking :

Do the rulers and the very high VIP of this world have contact with extra-terrestrials ?

You will then see that we can only answer : Yes …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians

In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth

In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth

In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples

In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , toward 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet

With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3rd of the Earth

And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …

We can summarize by saying that the Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

Mysteries revealed in the volume 4

The Tokharians are an Atlantean ethnic group who arrived on Earth in Sanchi , India , toward -3600 , but since India was already occupied by the Aryans , they will have to move up to the North and the East

The Northern Tokharians will then settle in the Tibet , the Xinjiang , the Gobi Valley , Mongolia and Manchuria

The radioactivity level of the Gobi Desert is 50 times higher than normal

To achieve this degree of contamination , it would need an explosion of 2000 times the power of all military tests on the whole planet for 1 year !

This is what turned the Gobi Valley into the Gobi Desert

The state of Kerala , on the Southwest coast of India , comes in second behind the Gobi Desert , with a radioactivity 17 times higher than normal

In Kerala took place the battle of Ramayana :

The fight lasted two whole days , Rama gradually felt his strength leaving him , so he prayed Surya , the Sun God

After looking at the star of the light , Rama felt his strength return and thanks to Brahma’s weapon , which should only be used as a last resort , he killed Ravana

In Israel, it is difficult to have radioactivity measurements but in the South of the country , in the region of Sodom and Gomorrah , the radioactivity is at least of 3 to 5 times higher than normal

Everywhere in the world where excess radioactivity is far above the average and which exceeds our current technical possibilities , we find to be in a place of a war of myths and legends of the ancient times

The Eastern Tokharians will settle in Myanmar , Thailand , Laos, Cambodia , Vietnam , Malaysia and Indonesia

In all these countries we will be able to see their strong alliance with the Mayans

In Laos , they will install the plain of jars , the first beacon that will allow air transport to go from Sanchi up to Easter Island while avoiding Australia , territory of the Edenists , their enemies

From Indonesia they will split into 2 groups , one in the Pacific Ocean and the other in the Indian Ocean

They will thus conquer Madagascar and thanks to their alliance ( domination)  with the Bantus , they hold their power on the Southern half of Africa , the Hopis managing the Northern half for the Edenists

The second group will invest the Philippines , Taiwan , Hong Kong , Hawaii , Micronesia , Melanesia , New Zealand and Polynesia

In Melanesia they will erect the iron piles of the Mont Dore , Bogota and Kaala , the second beacon for air transport from Sanchi to Easter Island

Their airline will then continue from Easter Island up to Nazca, in the Andes , source of their granite megaliths

Thanks to their technology and their supremacy on the seas , the Tokharians dominated , 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet and with the Mayans , their allies , and their supremacy in the air , they dominated more than the 2/3rd of the Earth

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans

The official theory:

The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea toward -4000

Toward -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas

This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization

Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written toward -4300 …

In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

Mysteries revealed in the volume 5 , EARTH IS THE AIM 5

The fertile valley of the Thar , located in the rich alluvial plains on both sides of the Indus and Sarasvatî rivers , was inhabited by the Aryans or Indo-Europeans , who arrived on Earth toward -5500

It contained over 1000 city-states of the size of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro , each one sufficient to house several thousand , may be tens of thousands of people

The nuclear war between the Atlanteans and the Edenists which has already destroyed the Gobi valley will transform the Thar valley into the Thar desert

From 2000 BC , the Indo-Europeans began to leave the cities of the Thar Valley and in 1800 BC , most of the cities were abandoned

This is the result of the nuclear bombardments of Yi’s War of the 10 Suns

The region is too highly radioactive to live there , and for a long time as even today , 4000 years later , the radioactivity is there 50 times greater than normal …

The end of the Indo-Europeans will generate a new mode of power which will change the destiny of the whole Earth

Until 2000 BC , the power was held hierarchically by dynasties of chieftains , as described in all legends and sacred texts

This power was based on technological knowledges which enabled them to lead the populations , but this technological knowledge having disappeared after the nuclear wars , up from -2000 BC , the new dynasties had only the possibility of invoking the ancient gods

Before leaving ,  these gods would have endorsed them as their representatives and bequeathed them certain powers

Religion was born , with divine kings , high priests, priests and other soldiers …

The world will never be the same again :

The time of the gods on Earth

From –2000 BC , the religions swept over the world :

This is the time of the gods in the Heavens

The Hittites drive out the Hebrews from Anatolia which obliges Abraham to regroup his people in Chaldea and then he creates the Jewish religion

In South and Central America , the successors of the Mayans also invented the religion which will allow them to base their power on the populations

In Central Asia , Zoroaster creates the Mazdean religion, the first religion , founded on the ashes of the Indo-Europeans

And since the formula works well , there will be many more creations in the next 4000 years

The Aryan or Indo-European populations were driven West by nuclear wars from 2000 BC and settled in Russia , the Middle East as far as Pakistan and Eastern Europe , with lot of wars giving rise to new civilizations :

The Scythians , Thracians , Hurrians , Akkadians , Assyrians , Babylonians , and so on …

Due to the collapse of the Indo-Europeans , their colonies , the kingdoms of Arabia , will then collapse too :

The kingdom of Dilmun is the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf that connects the Middle East and Eastern India

The kingdom of Magan is Oman

The kingdom of Saba is the west coast of Arabia which goes from Yemen up to Jordan , with its capital in the South , Saba and in the North , Petra , and which connects the Mediterranean countries and Eastern India

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors

The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods

But not without battles or genocides

In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

Mysteries revealed in the volume 6

The Gobi Valley was fertile and populated accordingly but the Yi’s nuclear wars from -2650 up to -2350 turned it into the radioactive Gobi Desert

But not only , because all the Edenist populations who lived there were driven out and had to start a long and painful exodus

The Yukaguirs , Nenetses , Khanthys , Mansis and Komis have then settled in Northern Russia , from Eastern Siberia up to Western Finland

The Finns settled in Finland and Northern Scandinavia

The Baltics settled in the present-day Baltic countries and in the North of Poland and Germany , stopped in their march toward the West by the Kelts , Atlantean people

The Magyars , after taking  ( abducted ) the Amazons as wives , had to leave their refuge on the island of Olkhon on the Baikal Lake , as attested in the Bible

They settled in the South of the Baltics , blocked at the West by the Kelts , Atlantean people , from the East of Germany up to Austria, at the West and from Poland up to Romania and Bulgaria , at the East

But these wars also created the exodus of the Atlanteans settled at the East of the Gobi , the Scythians

The Scythians , the Indo-Aryans , had to go East and will be separated of the Thracians who continued until touching the Kelts and who took back from the Magyars the ¾ of their invasions , leaving them only  a part of Austria , Hungary and Eastern Romania

Once there , the Thracians only had to leave the middle of Europe toward the Middle East , which made these Thracians , from their change of direction , the Indo-Europeans

This is where the official theory places their origin

The official theory ” forgets ” for political reasons , all the previous history …

These Thracians , up from their arrival in the Middle East , become the Hittites

The history of the Hittites is a succession of alliances, betrayals and especially wars in this bubbling Anatolia

They have therefore to go back to West by sea , becoming the Peoples of the Seas

The Peoples of the Seas will conquer thanks to their many ethnic groups , the entire North of the Mediterranean , as the South being the land of the Phoenicians , and also conquer the entire Atlantic coast of Spain and France , but also the whole of the United Kingdom up to Scotland and Ireland

We will therefore learn the history of the Dorians , Illyrians , Venetes , Etruscans , Umbrians , Sardinians , Italics , Ligurians , Iberians , Basques as well as their colonies in the Azores , Cape Verde , Madeira , the Selvagen and the Canaries , where the Ganches await us

Their history will allow us to locate and learn the history of Tartessos , the Iberian capital , a truly centralized state with specialized factory cities

But we will also be able to elucidate the true story of Heracles’ 10th labour

Finally we will learn how the populations who survived at the last ice age and who did not have the ” chance ” to live with the gods who came from space , live in the Arctic regions , America , Africa and Indonesia up to Philippines and New Guinea

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds

The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones

Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only be able to remain into the Stone Age ?

They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms

But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms

In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms

Then they returned to their land on Earth :


Mysteries revealed in the volume 7

In this last volume , all the revelations of the first 6 volumes will join together to form a coherent history :

Our history

First , you will learn everything about the time in all its forms and how it affects the whole universe

It brings us to the history of the Earth , the explanation of the appearance of the life on Earth and the evolution

It brings us also to the story of the human who begins with the Neanderthals that appeared toward -550 000 , and who will already be modern humans toward -500 000 , date of the pre-world of the Hopis

The Hopi legends then describe to us with all details the 4 worlds of about 100 000 years each , the 4th ending at our period

We will see how in the 3rd world , toward -140 000 , the Neanderthals and the Sapiens migrated up to space for a 20 000-year journey

We will see how they return like gods up to the Earth during the 4th world , from -19 338 up to -3500 , which explains the title of this book : EARTH IS THE AIM

We will see the waltz of the continents , different from the place of the continents according to the tectonics of the plates

Indeed , the Earth’s crust , like a skin , folds , relaxes and even sometimes returns to its place , which means that a continent can appear or disappear or return , of course at its time scale

But if plate tectonics takes place on a time scale of 800 000 years , the waltz of the continents takes place on a scale of less than 100 000 years

This causes the appearance and disappearance of continents such as Antarctica , Greenland , Hyperborea , MU , Punt and Atlantis , and whose history you will discover

Finally the time brings us back to the history of the Universe , or rather the Universes , which begin and end in black holes

Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in ANCIENT APOCALYPSE, ANCIENT APOCALYPSE , is a Netflix documentary series, ANCIENT APOCALYPSE critics, douglas moonstone, earth is the aim, EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7, From ANCIENT APOCALYPSE up to EARTH IS THE AIM, Graham Hancock | Leave a comment



Yes !

The mythological gods of the antiquity really existed

They arrived by successive arrivals on our planet from -19 338 up to -3500 BC

EARTH IS THE AIM reveals us how these gods , the Edenists and the Atlanteans , colonized the Earth

They were recognized as gods by the local peoples thanks to their technology

The Bible , the Chinese legends , the Kojiki , the Pop Wuh , the mythology and the legendary stories tell us about this part of our ancient history , before the historical history , that is to say before -1450 BC

In fact , all regions of the Earth have their legends and mythologies

And ALL tell the same story , seen from different points of view

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 6 , make us see the Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries on a new way

These books tell us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that 5000 years ago the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality told by the populations of this period

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volume 7 , tell us how the Man who appeared on Earth towards 550 000 years ago evolved , up to leave the Earth devastated , towards -140 000 , to take refuge on another galaxy

But once their refuge planets have been devastated as well , they had no other choice as to return to the Earth toward – 19 338

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone

This book is not a novel , and nor a science fiction novel

This book is a thesis proposal on our ancient history

Douglas Moonstone is the author of the 7-volume series :


Douglas Moonstone search from where we come

This story , our story , is based on what is known , or to know , and do not forget to give the importance they deserve , to the legends of our Earth

It is the history of the ancient civilizations, from -550 000 , with the emergence of the Homo Neanderthal until the beginning of the history of men in -490 000 according to Sumer , Babylon , Athens and Rome , followed by the first Hopi period in -410 628

The volumes 1 to 6 tell us the history of the world of the Edenists and Atlanteans since the first day of the Bible in -19 338

The volume 7 takes us back to the beginning of our history , in -550 000

This is the world of the Mu civilization

This whole story is based on the legends of the world , our memory , which together complement each other not only in facts , but also at the  dates

We can see by reading these legends that some wars have been narrated by the two conflicting parties

Of course in each story the bad guy is the other , but we see that they actually tell the same battles

Some theories found in these books have already been formulated but for the first time they are grouped into a sequel and a coherent story

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in all regions of the Earth have their legends and mythologies, Atlanteans, douglas moonstone, earth is the aim, EARTH IS THE AIM , 1 to 7, edenists, The Bible , the Chinese legends , the Kojiki , the Pop Wuh , the mythology and the legendary stories, The mythological gods of the antiquity really existed | Leave a comment

Skating session on the pond , 2

Skating session on the pond , 2

Joys of winter , it is also a skating session on the nearby pond

Even without skates , slips and falls are on the program

We even test the solidity of the ice with a stone …

See you soon for a new post


Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


Yes !

The mythological gods of the antiquity really existed

They arrived by successive arrivals on our planet from -19 338 up to -3500 BC

EARTH IS THE AIM reveals us how these gods , the Edenists and the Atlanteans , colonized the Earth

They were recognized as gods by the local peoples thanks to their technology

The Bible , the Chinese legends , the Kojiki , the Pop Wuh , the mythology and the legendary stories tell us about this part of our ancient history , before the historical history , that is to say before -1450 BC

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 6 , make us see the Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries on a new way

These books tell us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that 5000 years ago the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality told by the populations of this period

The revelations of EARTH IS THE AIM , volume 7 , tell us how the Man who appeared on Earth towards 550 000 years ago evolved , up to leave the Earth devastated , towards -140 000 , to take refuge on another galaxy

But once their refuge planets have been devastated as well , they had no other choice as to return to the Earth toward – 19 338

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone

This book is not a novel , and nor a science fiction novel

This book is a thesis proposal on our ancient history

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods
It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …
The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details
Just read them and forget what we have been taught :
Progress is linear , before it was not so developed
So the men in the antiquity were savages
Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology
But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans
This will not happen without clashes …
The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans
As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth
In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunked , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures , will dissolve themselves into the peoples
But they still want to keep the power …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth
In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples
In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , towards 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet
With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3 of the Earth
And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …
We can summarize by saying that Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans
The official theory:
The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea towards -4000
Towards -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas
This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization
Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written towards -4300 …
In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors
The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods
But not without battles or genocides
In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds
The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones
Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only able to remain into the Stone Age ?
They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms
But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms
In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms
Then they returned to their land on Earth:

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in Skating, Skating outside, Skating session on the pond | Leave a comment

Skating session on the pond , 1

Skating session on the pond , 1

Joys of winter , it is also a skating session on the nearby pond

Even without skates , slips and falls are on the program

We even test the solidity of the ice with a stone …

See you soon for a new post


Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods
It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …
The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details
Just read them and forget what we have been taught :
Progress is linear , before it was not so developed
So the men in the antiquity were savages
Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology
But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans
This will not happen without clashes …
The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans
As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth
In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunked , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures , will dissolve themselves into the peoples
But they still want to keep the power …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth
In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples
In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , towards 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet
With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3 of the Earth
And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …
We can summarize by saying that Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans
The official theory:
The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea towards -4000
Towards -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas
This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization
Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written towards -4300 …
In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors
The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods
But not without battles or genocides
In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds
The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones
Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only able to remain into the Stone Age ?
They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms
But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms
In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms
Then they returned to their land on Earth:

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in Skating session on the pond | Leave a comment

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 5

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 5

The Champs Elysées in Paris , in January , from dusk up to night

The Champs Elysées in Paris are crowded from 3 a.m. until 3 a.m. the next day

Animation and traffic jams are permanent

See some pictures

See you soon for a new post


Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods
It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …
The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details
Just read them and forget what we have been taught :
Progress is linear , before it was not so developed
So the men in the antiquity were savages
Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology
But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans
This will not happen without clashes …
The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans
As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth
In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunked , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures , will dissolve themselves into the peoples
But they still want to keep the power …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth
In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples
In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , towards 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet
With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3 of the Earth
And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …
We can summarize by saying that Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans
The official theory:
The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea towards -4000
Towards -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas
This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization
Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written towards -4300 …
In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors
The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods
But not without battles or genocides
In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds
The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones
Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only able to remain into the Stone Age ?
They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms
But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms
In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms
Then they returned to their land on Earth:

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in france, paris, The Champs Elysees, The Champs Elysees in Paris | Leave a comment

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 4

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 4

The Champs Elysées in Paris , in January , from dusk up to night

The Champs Elysées in Paris are crowded from 3 a.m. until 3 a.m. the next day

Animation and traffic jams are permanent

See some pictures

See you soon for a new post


Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods
It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …
The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details
Just read them and forget what we have been taught :
Progress is linear , before it was not so developed
So the men in the antiquity were savages
Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology
But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans
This will not happen without clashes …
The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans
As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth
In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunked , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures , will dissolve themselves into the peoples
But they still want to keep the power …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth
In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples
In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , towards 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet
With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3 of the Earth
And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …
We can summarize by saying that Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans
The official theory:
The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea towards -4000
Towards -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas
This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization
Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written towards -4300 …
In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors
The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods
But not without battles or genocides
In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds
The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones
Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only able to remain into the Stone Age ?
They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms
But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms
In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms
Then they returned to their land on Earth:

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


Posted in Alpine Renault World Champion, paris, The Champs Elysees, The Champs Elysees in Paris | Leave a comment

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 3

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 3

The Champs Elysées in Paris , in January , from dusk up to night

The Champs Elysées in Paris are crowded from 3 a.m. until 3 a.m. the next day

Animation and traffic jams are permanent

See some pictures

See you soon for a new post


Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods
It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …
The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details
Just read them and forget what we have been taught :
Progress is linear , before it was not so developed
So the men in the antiquity were savages
Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology
But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans
This will not happen without clashes …
The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans
As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth
In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunked , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures , will dissolve themselves into the peoples
But they still want to keep the power …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth
In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples
In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , towards 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet
With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3 of the Earth
And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …
We can summarize by saying that Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans
The official theory:
The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea towards -4000
Towards -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas
This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization
Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written towards -4300 …
In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors
The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods
But not without battles or genocides
In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds
The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones
Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only able to remain into the Stone Age ?
They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms
But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms
In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms
Then they returned to their land on Earth:

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


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The Champs Elysees in Paris , 2

The Champs Elysees in Paris , 2

The Champs Elysées in Paris , in January , from dusk up to night

The Champs Elysées in Paris are crowded from 3 a.m. until 3 a.m. the next day

Animation and traffic jams are permanent

See some pictures

See you soon for a new post


Comments are welcome

See you soon again with a new post


EARTH IS THE AIM is the story of the Edenists and the Atlanteans coming from space as gods , and their interaction with humans when they colonized the Earth

The Bible , Pop Wuh , Kojiki , mythology , Chinese legends and all other legendary tales of the world , are the sources of this history

The Easter Island , the pyramids , the menhirs , Atlantis , and many other mysteries , appears us on a new way

This book tells us that in Africa , people used iron 3000 years before the Europeans , that the Mayans and the Hopis were developed and civilized peoples 5000 years ago , and reminds us that the Chinese legends are not tales , but the reality seen by the populations

This book brings coherent explanations to many mysteries of our Earth

The existing theories explaining these mysteries are very often contradicted with each new scientific or archaeological discovery

So far , every new scientific or archaeological discovery has confirmed the theories evoked in this book …

Some of the theories found in this book already exist , but for the first time they are grouped into a sequence and a coherent story

EARTH IS THE AIM , volumes 1 to 7 , author Douglas moonstone :

EARTH IS THE AIM 1 , Eden and China’s Gods
It is the story of the Edenist gods who came from space and of their colonization of the Earth …
The Bible and the legends of China describe these invasions with all technical details
Just read them and forget what we have been taught :
Progress is linear , before it was not so developed
So the men in the antiquity were savages
Besides , they lived in the Stone Age , not knowing neither the wheel , nor the agriculture , nor the technology
But yet they have left us fantastic legends , gigantic constructions , art , metallurgy , agriculture and so many other things

EARTH IS THE AIM 2 , The Atlantean gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In this volume 2 , we will see the arrival of the Atlanteans
This will not happen without clashes …
The menhirs and the megaliths which cover all the Earth , are Atlanteans
As so well told by the Tibetean monks , they are the needles which rely the forces of the Earth to the forces of the sky

EARTH IS THE AIM 3 , Dissolution of the gods
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on Earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on Earth
In this volume 3 , Atlantis been sunked , the gods , without maintenance infrastructures , will dissolve themselves into the peoples
But they still want to keep the power …

EARTH IS THE AIM 4 , The Tokharians
In the Volume 1 , the Edenists arrived on earth
In the Volume 2 , the Atlanteans arrived on earth
In the Volume 3 , without Atlantis , the gods have been dissolved into the peoples
In this volume 4 , we will relate the sagas of a the civilization of the Tokharians , who dominated , towards 5000 years ago , almost the half of the planet
With the Mayans , their allies , who dominated almost the rest , they dominated more than the 2/3 of the Earth
And nobody knows them …

Neither the Tokharians nor the Mayans …
We can summarize by saying that Mayans controlled the skies and that the Tokharians controlled the seas

EARTH IS THE AIM 5 , The Indo-Europeans
The official theory:
The Indo-Europeans are a population arrived from nowhere and arising by spontaneous generation at the North of the Black Sea towards -4000
Towards -1500 , they conquered India and wrote the Vedas
This theory will justify the British supremacy and colonization
Yet it is well known today that the Vedas were written towards -4300 …
In this volume 5 , we will try to trace the true history of those who are called the Indo-European

EARTH IS THE AIM 6 , Exodus and survivors
The Earth has been adapted to the invasion of the Edenist and Atlantean gods
But not without battles or genocides
In this volume , we will try to trace the history of the exoduses that have resulted from it and to determine the place that has been left to the indigenous landowners who survived to the glaciations

EARTH IS THE AIM 7 , Mu and the other worlds
The Neanderthal peoples were taller , stronger , and more intelligent than the Sapiens ones
Who can believe that during their 520 000 years of existence they were only able to remain into the Stone Age ?
They had to leave the Earth to escape to its cyclical cataclysms
But the planet where they took refuge had also its cyclical cataclysms
In fact , all planets have cyclical cataclysms
Then they returned to their land on Earth:

You can read some extracts in my blog :


You can buy my books here :


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